Yesterday, monday we were enlightened by watching 2 whales following our boat for about half an hour. This was a real exciting event for us. We tried to capture it on a video, but is was a difficult job.
We also ate our second Tuna dinner. It was again deliciously prepared and everyone, who loves fish, got more than enough. There are 2 exceptions in our crew;-)
We are now completely in the Passat winds and this brings us to an average of 9 knots. The ETMAL for the last 24 hours was 201 nautical miles, which is a record, since we are on the sea. The swell is impressive and moves our boat in all directions. We are 30tons of weight, what happens with the smaller boats???
The strong wind brought us to record speeds of 12knots and more at night. The job on the steering wheel at night was quite challenging and required highest concentration.
Our german colleagues are progressing with the Vogu Lisi song (Swiss) and we believe we will be ready to join any song contest when we arrive in Saint Lucia.
Our current position is: 16.06 N, 55.45 W and we have about 345 nm ahead to St. Lucia. The Thursday arrival by daylight is in our reach. Juhpieeeehhhhh