George - All Blogged Out?
Certainly not 'blogged up' that's for sure. After a record 166 miles in the twenty-four hours to 13:00 today 10/12/2013 we're continuing to make good progress. As I write this we're currently showing an optimistic 106 hours (4 days 8 hours) to Rodney Bay! More Barracuda for tea yesterday, this time curried using Bev (Mrs N's) already tried and tested 'curry anything' recipe. Not without its issues though, judging by the number of times the light went on and off in the heads during the dog watches. Sleep is a bit scarce of the moment, after the calm seas of the preceding weeks, 20 knot beam reaching has those in the forward cabins wearing protective headgear to minimise cranial damage on contact with the ceiling (even after decamping to the lower bunks) and the rest of us wedging ourselves with anything to hand to reduce the side to side buffeting from the side on seas. Still we'd much rather have it like this than go back to the silence of a boat making no progress towards its destination...SN
Yes at last we seem to be on our way!(famous last words) We are now on our last bottle of gas... very little meat rotten or otherwise, vegetables like wise, eggs have gone mildewy and the yokes are sticking to the shells Mason was supposed to be turning them every day! Spirits are high but I think everyone is looking forward to steak and chips....except Mason who wants some vegetables when we arrive.... But the miles continue to slip under George she is now a proper yacht doing things proper yacht passages... I wonder what she thinks is going on? We will have sailed 6000 miles together this year when we arrive at Rodney Bay.... TB
I think Steve is very optimistic with his time scale. You never know what tomorrow will bring! Jim and I were on watch today when a wet squall came in. All disappeared off deck that's not a problem but all with the same excuse 'to wash up'. How many does it take to wash one cup and how long does it take lads? We all seem to get the wet shift! Wind moving about a bit today very like the contents of the entire boat and my turn to cook evening meal. Its going to be fun!! Mason offered to help but I politely declined the offer for obvious reasons from a previous blog. Only joking Mason. Last meat tonight will have to fish with fingers crossed tomorrow...MN
I've noticed some of the crew getting a bit sensitive about Steve and I going off each day for our daily sextant sessions. Earlier in the week Tim caught us whispering about horizontal parallax and Ass. positions and seemed quite upset. Speaking of things horizontal, I've discovered the reason for Tim's reluctance to get up for his watches. It seems he is working to local time, whereas the rest of us are working to GMT, which is as much as my tiny little brain can handle. This means that every westerly degree of latitude we make earns him 4 minutes of time. We currently owe him over 2 hours and by the time we get to St Lucia it will be 5's all making sense now. Meanwhile, George trundles on toward the west, sometimes very fast and sometimes not so. The wind and swell is all over the place today making life uncomfortable and us having to work hard for dead downwind speed. Hopefully things will settle down and we can make St, Lucia by Sunday..MK 14N 47W
Cookie/part time nav had done the graveyard shift and was now in his bunk playing with his nuts, snickers and any other contraband he had squirreled away, the rest of us were on deck, when all of a sudden, Poirot and Hastings dashed down stairs. The Night Watchman and I were left on deck, water running down the back of our necks from a sudden heavy squall , wondering what important piece of evidence they had to discuss out of our earshot. We peered through the closed rain drenched sliding hatch of the companion way to glean any information. Perhaps it was in the tea leaves of the one cup they were busy washing, oh and a spoon. Thankfully 'George' kept us company, as he was wet through as well. JDR