Aditi - Day 15 &16; Hot & Roll
In brief Day 15 calm. Motoring. Noticed a bit of slack in the forestays. Nothing but sea until darkness fell. Passed one yacht then started to hear a merchant vessel (MV) calling a yacht with very specific questions at about 0230. At 0300 the MV drew alongside the yacht and two persons boarded via the pilot ladder. The sort of thing you don't want to hear & sadly the yacht was abandoned.
Day 16 started sailing about 0830. Clear sunny day. Creaking noise investigated in the afternoon. By 1700 the mast was moving at the base so quickly checked the rig. Rod shrouds OK but backstay and forestays slack although full pressure maintained in the rams. All sail dropped & motoring.
About 0100 hrs all stays found to be tight again in the coo; of the night. The heat appears to be causing enough expansion to slacken stays so we are now going to actively manage the wires.
Vital sadistics:
DTG 1308 w. ETA 9 Days
From the Galley: Cheddar Ploughmans, Chicken Satay Green Pepper & Noodles
Wind ENE F4 to F7