Maria likes to start the day with a nice cup of hot coffee, as most sailors do. Today was no exception and she made several cups using the stove.
What is going on with the sea in the mornings? All night long the sea behaves itself, running along with huge crests that travel mainly in the same direction as we are with only the occasional drenching of the cockpit.
But in the morning just after the sun comes up the sea turns into a boiling inferno around us! It is like it becomes a pot of coffee, bubbling, twisting and turning, foaming and spitting in every direction imaginable.
Unfortunately this morning, Maria happened to be bending down to open the trash container when a monster wave flipped our gimbaled stove 120 degrees, sending the pot of freshly brewed coffee into the air. Unseen by Maria the lid on the coffee pot flew off in mid-air, allowing the aromatic warm coffee to drench Maria's nicely brushed hair as it became a waterfall.
"Oh my!", or words to that effect, were screamed at the captain above the roar of the monster waves! Dark black coffee was streaming down Maria's head from the mid-air coffee eruption.
Luckily the coffee was not boiling hot and the effect was just a drenching of Maria and a fresh coat of coffee on the floor. Whew!
If we were not so far from land I think the crew might mutiny and jump ship at this point...
Steve and Maria