Aspen - Log 19 Thursday 12 Dec; Anyone for Luge?
Trying to describe the sail beginning yesterday goes something like this:
Imagine yourself on a 2 person luge, the kind of sled they use in the
Olympics and the sport that only certified crazy people attempt. The
luge careens down a slippery tube, bobbing back and forth, twisting
turning and screaming at a velocity approaching the speed of light at
times before coming to rest with hopefully both of the occupants still
hanging on.
Sailing in 25 knots of wind is not that difficult - it is the seas that
accompany the wind that causes the problems. Aspen is currently running
down 20 foot waves, careening back and forth like a luge but with
monster hills thrown in and getting tossed around like she was a
bath-tub toy. The seas smack her from nearly every direction sending
spray everywhere. The waves are much faster than Aspen so as they lift
her toward the sky there is a slight pause. Aspen is riding at the top
of the wave when suddenly the wave disappears ahead, leaving Aspen to
plummet down down down to where sea level actually is.
Now repeat this out of control motion several thousand times and you see
why I compare this sailing to a luge run!
Even our seasick pills are saying, "don't make us do that again!"
Steve and Maria