Just as the crew were getting really fed up with the sea state, which was tossing the boat all over the place, a whale appeared! He stayed for about an hour, swimming around and under the boat, occasionally coming to the surface for air. Fantastic. It perked everyone up and is the highlight of the trip so far. The crew christened him Abraham!
George seems to be having a bit of a hissy fit and keeps making a loud clunking noise. The crew are doing a lot more hand steering to try and appease him as losing the autopilot would be bad news, losing the steering would be disastrous!!! Although BD is on course, without steerage they could end up anywhere in the Caribbean (or S.America come to that). So far so good.
Having cracked the ‘sun sight’ Kathy is going to attempt a star sight!! (Insert photo).
The crew settled down for another bumpy night.