Rock and Roll.
Having experienced light winds (and no winds), for much of the journey, the words "if only the Trade Winds would set in" have often been on our lips. Well, now they have set in and things are starting to rock and roll!
Today we have Easterly winds of 25 kts fusing to over 30 kts and the sea, in response, has taken on a confused pattern of waves of around 3 metres in height. Several things happen in these circumstances. Firstly the boat, trying to make its way down wind takes on a rocking motion, rolling from one side to the other and back about once every four seconds. The severity of the rolling is variable, sometimes almost negligible and sometimes building to a crescendo where anything that is not tied down takes on a life of its own and leaps from one side of the boat to the other. The laws of Gravity cease to apply and liquid being poured from a container ( or projected in any other way ) takes an unexpected path, usually not I the direction of the intended receptacle. On deck, the wind adds its own dimension, picking up surprisingly heavy objects an redistributing them as it sees fit. Unexpected contact between crew and moving boat parts is unavoidable but at least it can be hoped that that any bruising will be masked by our newly acquired sun tans.
Well they say you should be careful what you wish for but at least our Rock and Roll ride is cracking off the miles to St Lucia at a rate not previously enjoyed!