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Firefly - When the ship comes in to Nelson's Dockyard
Firefly - When the ship comes in to Nelson's Dockyard
After our arrival in English Harbour, we had a lazy morning at anchor in Freeman's Bay catching up with sleep, jobs and swimming off Firefly. When the historic port was clear of charter yachts ( they have been having pre season charter fair here)they gave us a berth right in front of all the historic dock buildings and conveniently a bar. We can now claimed to be fully acclimatized however Peter is the only one so far to have tasted the local rum (the others prefer beer)We had a delicious supper at the Antigua Yacht Club in nearby Falmouth Harbour (no more on board catering for a while)and wandering the charter boat pontoons (millionaires row and lots of polishing!)
We were greeted this morning by the arrival of Barney Greenhill so the party has really started . No more jokes by email . The current plan is to stay here another night then head up the coast to Nonsuch Bay.
Paul, Murray, Barney, Peter and Grateful (sleeping it off)