Athena log 11 – Friday December 13th 2013 –
15 36.84 N / 55 51.51 W
Why is it the last
few miles of any journey seem to stretch, is it the anticipation of what? A long
shower with unlimited water? Or
maybe the thought of a beer or a meal sat at a table that doesn’t move, that
steady meal which doesn’t need lifelong curled arm around the plate to prevent
the food joining previous meals in the bin.
curled arm locked around the square plate dates back to Nelson’s day. This
necessary habit was often used as evidence by the press gang to prove a man was
a sailor, or had been. Hence the common wail of modern day mums “sit up
straight, get your elbows off the table” So not a measure of manners, but an
ancient ruse to fool those who would offer the Kings shilling.
As another crossing
comes to an end for me there is a measure of sadness, softened by the promise of
a crew and friends meal in the best restaurant in St Lucia and probably the
Caribbean RAZZAMATAZ!! This
delightful venue with a fabulous Himalayan chef and the established professional
team supervised by Susan the lovely owner. Incongruously when her husband was
alive he would sit and play country and western guitar, so unlikely but so very
Sadness because
after many crossings, and a seventieth birthday looming will there be many more?
If I have my way yes oh yes it is so good to be part of a wise and critical
crew. A crew of mathematicians and philosophers in equal share, of those who
take the busy lead in any task or those, like me who will take the tired
measured approach but eh age must have some benefits.
Those of you who
read these Blogs, or in our case Boggs, for five members are Irish and me the
lone but happy Welshman, we wish to let you know that over the few days Sunday
or Monday we will be in the above restaurant dining and singing a short medley
of well-practiced Irish and other tunes.
So lift a glass me
hearties to the crew of Athena of Southampton and safe home to Rodney
Taff Pearce.