Koala - Dec 13th: The final run in...
We now seem to be in a period of sustained trade winds which means that we are making good progress in the right direction. After our initial exuberance, we have adopted a slightly more conservative approach. We did have one afternoon of surfing off waves at 10.5 knots thinking "This is great", but after the self steering let go a few times, we decided to reign it in a bit. We are now making a steady, but hopefully non boat breaking 6-7 knots. When the self steering did let go, with a poled out genoa and main with preventer, we ended up parked neatly hove-to and all was fairly calm, but as it was pushing 30 knots, we decided to go the extra reef.
The high speeds caused a bit of havoc with the duogen water generator. There was a dull thud from behind the control panel and a smell of burning which was quite exciting for a while. All seems to be working OK, although I am not completely confident of how well the regulator is working. So we are having to self regulate by keeping an eye on the battery levels and bringing the generator in and out as needed.
Not much else to report. We have not seen a boat or even a vapour trail for a week now at least. Eye spy is getting a bit dull. "H is it? Right... Horizon? OK, my go... C, yep cloud.."
Fresh stores are getting a bit low now. We are down to oranges, apples, limes, onions and garlic. Recipe ideas?
Getting ready for the daily sundowner. We have not done very well on changing our clocks as we move west, so they seem to be getting earlier and earlier... It is more a case of mid afternoon drinkies now!