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Skara Brae - another exciting night in the Atlantic
Skara Brae - another exciting night in the Atlantic
finally saw other boats - 4 to be exact, and we managed to catch and pass all of them:-)
we managed to make up 120 miles in 12 hours last night, breaking all boat records
including surfing at 16kts at 2am in the morning - althouigh this was celebrated with a loud bang from the spinnakar when she split in 2!
she had to be cut and dropped into the water to retrieve! which was interesting as it not only floats in the water but fills with water, so it was not easy to get her back on the boat.
and once again we had the full crew in battle dress scrambling about the deck of a boat trying not to get slapped by ropes, punched or elbowed by fellow crew, or drop into the Atlantic - while being hammered by 25kt winds and rather large waves.
now you landlubbers (and more sensible members of the yachties club) will shake you head and say " those chaps are def WAFI's" (WAFI - wind assisted ***** idiots) but in our diffence officer - we didnt really have much choice, our main sail is fecked, our gennakar is stuck - so we decided its our last night - lets go for it - it lets leave the Spinny out - it cannae get that windy - well of course it did!
anyway it was worth it to pass 10 other yachts during the night, who were being a wee bit more conservative than us LOL
so we have went from 126 yesterday morning to 114 this morning :-)
St Lucia
here we come