Position: 14 11.5N
59 09.9W
Distance to St Lucia: 103.8NM
Distance last 24 hours 190NM
As I type at 0700 local time (1100GMT) we have 95 NM to go. We should be there in about 12 - 14 hours by the time we go around the corner at the top of the island and into Rodney Bay. We seem to be slightly ahead of George so it may come down to the last few miles. We will have to get rid of the twin head sails, hoist the main and not lose any ground. The port twin sheet is fed through a block on the end of the boom which we are using as a substitute pole. The starboard twin is fed through the spinny pole which is easy enough. The trick will be to gybe letting the port twin over on to the starboard twin, sort the sheets, and then hoist the main. Sounds easy ..........?.
Everyone is up already looking forward to arrival (long wait still). There were several comments during the night watches wondering what it will be like not to have to get up during the night. The moon was full last night and gave the impression of almost daylight. Fantastic sight with the big rolling waves coming up behind the boat, lifting her up into the air and pushing her down the other side.
Keep an eye George for us and Joe might let us have the occasional update on how we are doing against him.
We will have a final sign off from our berth in Rodney Bay tomorrow. Hopefully we will also be able to upload some photos to the blog site.
Here's to a podium place in our class!
Thanks for following our trials, tribulations, rubbish etc.
Peter (Pug), Stephen, Conor, Craig, Terry