After their 3rd night of strong winds (gusting to F7) and rain the crew are feeling tired. They ‘wake’ though to the most beautiful day yet, bright sunshine and sparkling seas. To complete the spectacular scenery a large pod of dolphins arrive. They are extremely lively, jumping and turning, diving under and around the boat and guiding the boat at the bow. To get abetter view the crew go, precariously, up to the bow (Mike and George were left to mind the helm). The girls sat with their legs dangling over the side and each time the boat lurched from side to side their feet were dipped into the warm waters. They all agreed that It was like being on a fair ride but even better ‘cos it wasn’t! (Insert photo) (They laughed in the face of superstition and decided it was a good Friday the 13th – little did they know!)
George is really rather poorly. The strain of 2000 miles at the helm and struggling with the big seas that BD now have, are taking their toll. The crew therefore are lightening the load and hand steering much of the day. George still has to take the lion’s share at night though as it is so difficult to ride the huge waves in the dark. Kathy was even overhead singing him a lullaby last night – bless!
Carol noticed a horrible smell in the aft heads. Having ascertained that Mike’s guts were all ok she set about giving it a good clean. (These tasks are not easy on a boat that is being tossed all over the place all the time!!) Anyway, having cleaned the heads she started on the shower. When she removed the shower tray (big heavy piece of marble) she found a DEAD FISH underneath the tray!! It must have flown (flying fish) through the hatch and wiggled down the tiny hole to the bottom of the shower!
As the crew settled down for another night shift the winds began to whip up even stronger. They were now sailing with only a tiny bit of Jib out and nothing else but even so the boat was pitching and lurching all over the place. By now they are all sleeping in the saloon or foreward cabin as the aft cabin is way too bumpy. Carol said it was liking trying to sleep on a bouncy castle in the middle of a kids party – nightmare. As there is always one person on watch there are always 3 buns available but the constant swapping is difficult. Also, in the galley the cacophony of all of the bottles, jars, crockery, cutlery, pots and pans etc is horrendous. Tonight it is even worse as the winds blow ever stronger!! It certainly feels like Friday the 13th now.