Day 22: Today we were able to talk to our friends on Jade on the VHF and we saw them in the distance. It was really good to hear from them, I am looking forward to seeing Noah and Fern again when we all get into port. We made more decorations and Karen showed us how to make Christmas lanterns. More chicken tonight but it was Thai Green Curry so it was ok. I told Mum that the next time we do a long passage she is not to bring so much chicken with us.
Day 23: Dad thinks that we should get to St Lucia on Thursday so only a few more days at sea. I can't wait, we all talked today about what we are really looking forward to when we get there. Dad said a beer, Mum said a can of diet coke and Karen said chips with lots of vinegar. Robert wants to go to the beach and I am looking forward to seeing all my friends again.
Mum said that we have made enough decorations for our boat now but Robert and I wanted to make more so we are making some for Tom and Susie's boat Adina instead. I hope they like them. Ranch style pasties for dinner tonight, hurray its not chicken.