Contemplating arrival.
As I write we are sailing under an azure blue sky with a few scattered white clouds. The tropical sun is bathing the cockpit with warmth and light, tempered by some eighteen knots of breeze coming over the back of the boat. The sea is relatively calm, at least calm enough not to feel like we are travelling in a cement mixer!
It's idyllic but for all of us now the focus is on arrival at St Lucia tomorrow morning exchanging life on board for a sable platform on which to walk and relax. Toilets and Showers where a visit is not comparable with doing ten rounds with a kick boxer! A meal out, not followed by twenty minutes in a dynamic galley washing dishes in cold sea water. Conversations with family and sharing experiences with other crews. A place where the quantity of Rum Punch consumed is the only factor in deciding how stable your surroundings will be!
The trip over has offered every kind of sailing experience worth having and will certainly live in the memories of all of us ( and doubtless be exaggerated as required when relating the story to ores). For now though, a rum punch and a hot shower is winning us all over.