Tuesday 17th December 14:04.477 N 60:56.980 W Distance
travelled 154 miles.
Finished in Rodney Bay at 15.08.59 GMT, 11.08.59 local St,
Lucia time.
Dropped the poles and rolled up the genoas 5 miles from the finish in 25
knots of wind and were doing nearly 5 knots without sail. Set the No,4 on the
inner forestay and speed increased to over 7 knots. Set the main when we gained
some shelter from the land, with 2 reefs, 2 miles out.
Francis Williams and Jane came out in Nyaminyami II to see us finish.
Thank you to my crew:
Anne Kenny for keeping us all in order.
Brendan McGarvey for superb deck work.
Gabby McGarvey for help with the blog.
We sailed 3026 miles from Las Palmas to Rodney Bay in 23 days.
Goodbye from Shelduck to Newbury home of the