Saturday, 16th December, 2013.
The Windsurf is still on the Ocean. Big squals, heavy showers and lots of wind are coming over the Windsurf. It is called Passage Trade Winds, but I didn't know that those winds are soo heavy. More than 40 knots of winds. How can you survive on your boat. Everything makes a lot of noice, falls on the ground and gets dirty. For your own safety : Sit not do too much... Only drink enough and eat simple things.
In the night the squals were more heavy. There was a full moon, so the squals were easily recognized against the clear sky. Black clouds and suddenly a lot of wind and rain...
Tuesday, 17th December, 2013.
Finish in the Marina of St. Lucia. We are sooooo glad we feel a steady ground under our feet.. We finished !!! A warm welcome from the ARC with a rum punch and a big basket of tropical fruits at 04.15 hrs in the morning ! YEAH...
At the same time we make friends with the Swiss Catamaran 'Allure'.
Half of the ocean they were in our neighboorhood. And we had several times marifone contact. So we toasted at the good finish with the rum punch at 05.00 am !
A new period has begon with our Windsurf !!!! Many thxs for all the usupport !!!!