Firefly - On Nuka Hiva
Our trip to the Vaipo waterfall was memorable; the two hour walk up took us through gardens, fruit orchards and a beautiful green valley lined by mountains. We walked with the crew of NDS Darwin, Seaduced and a local guide and caught sight of the waterfall on the way. Claims in the tourist literature that it is the highest in Polynesia and the third tallest in the world may be exaggerated but its impressive either way. Due to the topography, once there, we were too close to the base to see the top and full extent of the cascade - we took a refreshing swim in the pools and gorge at the base.
Our anchorage in the Bai de Taioa or Daniel's Bay was impressive too; we were almost completely enclosed and sheltered from all wind directions making it one of the most calm spots yet. It was a pity about the bugs and flies that kept us company all night.
After a day in Daniel's Bay we sailed 6 miles east along the coast of Nuka Hiva to the Baie Taiohae (again confusingly similar names) and we are now re-united with the rest of the World ARC Fleet. This is the largest settlement in the Marquesas and over the the few days here will enjoy the hospitality of the locals with dancing and a feast. We are continuing our walking regime and yesterday walked to Collette's Bay - a few wrong turns on the way made it a good long walk to a beautiful bay.
You may have heard on the news that there has been an earthquake in Chile with fears that this may cause a tsunami across the Pacific. This raised considerable concerns amongst the fleet and all manner of internet searching for information. Being prudent, we decided to re anchor Firefly in deeper water last night. Fortunately nothing materialised and any initial warnings have been canceled - so we are all fine.
Paul, David and Peter