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Spirit III - Day 0 ? Final preparations

The last few days have involved crossing off all the ‘operation critical’ jobs from the jobs list. It seems like we'’ve been going non-stop, making sure we have everything we need before we leave and doing the final bits of testing. We'’ve also been meeting the other boats on the Rally and exchanging tips and some friendly banter.

Ali, our final crew member who is joining us for the Biscay crossing arrived on Thursday. Yesterday (Friday) we went out for a brief sail to practice sail handling with the four of us and to test our new Storm Jib which arrived on Thursday morning. Thanks go to Sanders Sails for making it at the last minute and having it ready before departure.

This morning Keith went up the rig for the final time to check the shrouds whilst Alice headed off to the shops to do the final food shop. This afternoon, we’'ve been cooking up some meals to have ready for the trip and doing some weather and tide planning.

It’'ll be an early night for the crew tonight, before an early start to make the start line at 9am. Whilst it is a rally not a race we wouldn'’t want to be late for the gun!

We have also been blogging for the last few months covering the winter refit and our trip to Plymouth. You can also see more photos and loads more information on our website: or follow us on twitter @spiritIII

Dressed Overall

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