N35:55:569 W49:31:230
Boat miles - 836
GPS 1011 to go
We had a really good day yesterday, we started to
get some stuff dried out and hopefully the first batch will be done sometime
today, its so slow. We had watery sunshine for a while but are just
relying on the wind to do its job. Vanessa being on the helm is a great
boon. The best of which is that when the hissing sids arrive and throw water all
down the side decks and the corner of the cockpit we are sitting somewhere else
so don't get the full brunt of it. The other added bonus is that at the end of a
watch Vanessa doesn't get distracted and so go off course like we do. She
is a really good member of our team so thank you Vanessa.
Having stayed dry all day we settled down for the
evening watches. Andrew managed to sleep ok but by the time Susan was
going to bed we were hitting the waves and they were hitting us with regular
monotony so she found her sweet spot in the cockpit and went out like a
The winds are pretty good at the moment and are
forecast to be so for the next 24 hours when there will be a change again, so we
are trucking along quite nicely and ticking of the stages in my notebook. I have
the journey split up into 16ths, 10ths, 8ths, 6ths, 5ths, quarters, thirds and
halves so nearly everyday we can celebrate a milestone and on some days
two....keeps us a bit sane....sane, surely not, well yes we do freely admit we
are a bit mad.
Along with all this good stuff though there has to
be somethings doesn't there. A couple of days ago Susan got thrown across
the galley and collected a lovely set of bruises on her left side and not to be
outdone Andrew had a spectacular slide about in the head and had an
argument with the sink unit and is brewing some bruises to rival Susan's, maybe
we will take some pictures and see whose is the prettiest or something. Susan
has been dosing him up with medication and a bit of cosseting and it will be a
bit painful for a day or two.
As for the title today, a bottle of wine for anyone
who can relate to it, Sue M should for sure, but if anyone else can figure it
out there is a bottle there too. And on monday I was going to use 'Little White
Bull' but it went right out of my heard.
Having you given something to mull over I shall be
heading back to the cockpit to see if Andromeda has learnt any new
We hope everyone had a great night sail to Ponta
Delgada, we are looking forward to getting there too. Sao Miguel is a lovely
island and we hope the hydrangeas are out for you to see and you get time to have
your sweetcorn cooked in the caldera.
More in due course,
Andrew & Susan
S/V Andromeda of
Dances with Waves