Nexus - Motoring in flat calm on our way to Bali
Well, the weather forecast was spot on, no significant wind for the first day or so on our way to Bali. It is however, flat calm and pleasant, and we've caught two fish so far. It's important to us, as we have a case of beer at stake in a friendly competition with Ghost. Traffic is light, as most of the fleet has spread out over time, and some have chosen a northerly route, where we have chosen a rhumb line route which is more southerly, somewhat along the lines of Jimmy Cornell's advice, and I wanted to be heading north west in the final days of passage when the wind comes back astern because the waves will be more on the beam and NEXUS will surf them rather than plow through them. But, as I've said before, sailing is like a box of chocolates....
Russ and Laurie on NEXUS 9/3/2014 at 12 20.6'S;127 55.4'E