Around 11:00am we got a call from Brian on American Spirit II, inviting us all to a swimming party, what is a swimming party, well you stop in the middle of the sea and take a swim with like minded folks. We were around 5 miles apart so once we caught up we simply knock off the motors and go for a dip in beautiful clear water, the sea temperature a fantastic 32C.
Other notable events, the wind or lack thereof got to say there was pretty much zero yesterday or 5 knots dead against us.
Today a light SE'ly came to life and on the morning role call everyone was reporting 5 knots E or ESE dead behind us, so we have had a heap of motoring but the forecast is telling us freshing SE'ly in a day or 2, wind is currently 8 knots from the SE and we are motorsailing with motors at 1500 rpm. Other events or lack thereof is the poor fishing performance we caught a small school shark but let him go with the thoughts of bigger and better to come but was not to be - yet.
Stay Safe
Johnny, Sandra, Steve, Paul and Amanda