We moved into the Ocean Marine Center marina yesterday -- what a festive pre-rally environment, with almost all of the boats nicely dressed in flags. Our neighbor, Moonshadow, noticed right off that our jack lines did not run all the way forward, and helped us out with a longer one -- thank you, Paul and Monica!
At Paul's suggestion we also seized all our shackles and fixed a cotter pin that was sticking out in a way that was sure to slice someone walking around it. We had our safety inspection yesterday afternoon and have just a few small items to attend to, such as a knife in the cockpit, another set of thigh straps to wear with PFD, and lanyards on our buckets. Rigging and fishing seminars today ... learning so much!!! We have met a bunch of great sailors, are looking forward to more social events and seminars, and are excited and looking forward to leaving for Tortola on Sunday ... weather dependent!!
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
--Edith Wharton