Having listened to the wind howling all night, we were very relieved to hear Andy's decision in the 9AM broadcast to delay the start until Monday at noon. By then we should still have wind in a favorable direction with less punch and seas that are diminishing. We are even provided with suggested entry and exit coordinates for the Gulf Stream to have the shortest point to cross it and take advantage of the currents and eddies. It's all very fascinating stuff and has been the topic of many a discussion on board Second Wind. It has been a long time since most of us took geometry and used vectors so William has been trying to educate us!
So, we now have a free day. WOW, this is a first! What shall we do? Maybe take the ferry over to Hampton Roads, maybe walk around the 'historic' Portsmouth or maybe just wrap up warm and read a good book. Currently I am actually enjoying doing a little laundry, even if my specs fog up every time I walk out and back in again. Roll on crossing the 'Stream' and into warmer weather!