Celebrate - On passage to South Africa
We with 6 other boats left a day early from Reunion to make best use of the weather forecast. So far it has paid off as we have enjoyed good following winds, at night a full moon to guide us and some pretty phosphorescence. Listening to the radio net the boats starting as originally planned appear to have been doing lots of motoring.
World ARC gave us an advisory waypoint keeping us 100 miles South of Madagascar and some less bumpy seas. We are now about 100 miles from this waypoint and are already experiencing some adverse current, stronger winds and some bumpy seas but hope we will miss the worst of it.
There is some positive news on the fishing front. The lures that Brian from Follie a Deux and Tom from Alpharatz helped us with appear to be working. Most of first lure we set got eaten by 'something' but missed biting on the hook. The next day while preparing and eating supper we hooked a fish on a new lure. The large fish (not sure what species)was jumping out of the water on the line. Naively we thought the fish would wait till we had eaten supper but it was too smart for us and jumped the hook- so a very near miss!
Charlie, Cathy and Peter