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Crazy Horse - Day 2 11042014

November 4, 2014

As I wake up this morning, my mind reeling like an old motion picture player spinning through countless dreams, I am greeted out my port with the sapphire blue and snow white waters of the Atlantic. Comforting, strong, erratic and somehow reminding me of liquid metal. Crazy Horse slips through a tiny slice, tiptoeing carefully as if to avoid waking the beast that lies beneath. 

I am reminded of so many things when I look at the big blue. Summers in Rehoboth as a child, tuna fishing offshore as a teen, and the Outer Banks this past summer, watching as my niece and nephew gain their new founded confidence among the waves. There have been frightening times, too, when one really learns what 'respect for the water' means. 

For me, the love and excitement comes from deep within me, it is a place I feel we all come from, and long to be. It is a watery desert that is the very essence of wilderness. It is a seemingly endless expanse that is beauty and terror, mystery and calm. Waking up this morning I wanted to explain what the ocean feels like to be part of, and I guess it's just too hard to explain. Maybe I should rely on the wise words of one small clownfish when he is asked what's it like, the big blue? "Big...and blue" he answers.


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