Philocat Ena - Saturday Update of Philocat
Losing the feeling for time completely. Every morning we make a game out of
guessing time and date as well as day of the week.
As there is no more wind we entertain ourselves by spending some time
fishing, sewing, may be even showering. We promised ourselves to latest get
a shower when we have reached half- time.
Yesterday evening we had a first try-run on our repaired "pink" light wind
spinnaker. It went well but we needed another reinforcement in the middle of
the kite-head and as life goes it was in the middle of the night that we had
to get out our fixing tools and get everybody on deck to help. But even
sailing with the light wind spinnaker above wind speed could not fix our
worst ETMAL during the whole cruise :-(
This morning there are still very light winds (0-10 knots) and no more fast
sailing so Peter went skinny dipping in the Atlantic ocean.
Franziska, Stefan, Sven & Peter