Aretha - Day 8 at sea - magic moments on Aretha
Picture the scene.
It’s 10pm. The wind is warm and dry and the sky is clear. The moon is shining brightly. We’re mid Atlantic.
Bluebell and I are lying on the foredeck looking up at the stars. We pick out Cassiopea and various other stars. We’ve slowed the boat down this evening to appreciate what’s around us and have furled the headsail in. We’re sailing with one reef in the main and are doing still doing 5-6 knots towards St Lucia.
We have cushions on deck and are careful to clip on and walk our way carefully to the foredeck.
Bluebell reminds me that back at home we used to spend on average 3 hours a week together. She does the mental maths and works out we’re now spending 168 hours a week together. The difference is not lost on her.
These are the magic moments watching the moon and the stars.
It’s a great closing to a lovely day.
Paul had spent time on the foredeck with Columbus teaching him how to do rig checks and mending loose ropes and deck fittings. It was lovely to watch Columbus peering over the bows with hand outstretched touching the waves. The sea out here is so different from coastal waters. It’s a gorgeous rich blue which goes on for miles. You really feel you are in the wilderness out here.
Nichola sat on the aft deck today sipping a coke and lying back on the gennaker taking in the sun and calm conditions. She is certainly at home out here now and enjoying life at sea.
Tomorrow the children start work on a Project to collect water samples for a survey collecting data on the plastic levels in the water. The findings are due to be published in National Geographic and it;s great to be able to be involved. The children will be writing a report on this for sharing with their schools.
Sailing continues. The day has been fabulous downwind sailing with a poled out genoa. It’s like sticking 2 barn doors out on your boat and just catching all the wind.
Less fun was the genoa wrap we had around the forestay when we gybed. We tangled the spare genoa halyard and had some fun and games unravelling the mess. The boat jobs list ticked up as well with a leak around the mast which we’re confident we can fix and the toilet flush on the forward heads breaking. All part and parcel of independent life where you have to fix stuff around you.
The boat repairs pale to insignificance compared to the magic moments - these are the moments that last a lifetime.
Over and out from Team Aretha.