Since day 2 the wind has really been on our side and it is constantly
blowing and since a few days from behind moving us forward fairly quick.
The spinnaker goes up in the morning and down for the night. Our average milage
is approx 170 NM / 24h. We’ve just realised that tomorrow will already be
halfway!! Already!! The waves are also favourable now giving us chance to surf
on a few of them and then topping speed. Today we reached 11,9 knots on a
surf, wow!!
As for the advent calender the kids have opened their first “lucka” this
morning (at 6h30...) and they also have received another calender they can make
themselves (Thankyou so much Pamela)! So today they have done their own calender
so they now have two (both big ones) on the boat! Very happy and excited every
evening before going to bed because they can't wait to wake up in the morning
Everyday we check who’s received mail. It is really exciting because your
mails are the only sign of life outside this boat (except of a few birds an
flyfish) ha ha ha.....! Keep sending us some news, we love it too!
Take care everyone – we take well care of ourselves.
Take Off and Louise