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Thula - day 9

Having experienced a slight dent in the group morale the day before yesterday, we fully recovered in the course of the day yesterday. The waves had finally calmed slightly, giving us a little rest from all the acrobatic balancing acts that we had been performing the last couple of days. The wind was nice and steady at 15-20 knots coming from behind, enabling us to switch our sails to the “Schmetterling” or wing-to-wing position, which was quite nice for a change and rendered the sailing significantly smoother. While the well-known “mountain celebration” (Bergfest) will probably only be held on Tuesday evening we nonetheless had a good reason to celebrate a little already on Monday. Dieter finally received the call that the sale of one of the Ammer Partners ventures had eventually been closed. A great weight fell from Dieter’s shoulders. As a consequence the dinner (Lasagne and the last lettuce on board) was preceded by an exceptionally decadent “Tapas & Champaign” event. Having had not a sip of alcohol for more than a week the small cup of Champaign instantly went to our heads and lifted the mood even higher. Even the fact that I had lost two quite big fish from the hook that day (one having probably been my “Lebensthunfisch”) had been forgotten by that point. Also this great setback was compensated by another smallish Mahi-Mahi (although it was the biggest one yet) which we caught and subsequently turned into sashimi (again done very professionally by our sushi chef and chief fish filleter Mike). A very delicious alternative to the usual pan-fried fish! Too bad Markus decided that he cannot participate in the eating of animals that he had previously seen alive.

All the best from the Thula,

Only 1500 more miles to go…


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