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Miss Liz II - Log Day 8 - Downwind

Downwind sailing is not as easy as it should be - especially when the jammers aren't holding as they should.....This morning we launched the Parasailor but can't get a good sail down wind, we have to bear off about 10 degrees, which is frustrating. Harry also can't hold the course so manual healing is in order, and at night back to the main. Not very efficient at all. During the night we ran main only and had some chafe on the shrouds - meaning a little repair work today. Fortunately, structurally the sail is sound as it is on the batten.

So, today we hope that the porpoises we saw earlier this morning were a sign of good luck - and today we have a good run. One more flying fish on deck this morning, spotted it after the porpoises had gone otherwise we could have made some friends!

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