Monomotapa - 2 December
Monomotapa 2 December
Yesterday the conditions were suitable for deploying the spinnaker, the wind is steady from the east, with a suitable heading to St Lucia.
After a briefing from the skipper we were allocated position and tasks and soon after the hoisting of the spinnaker it was adjusted to it"s optimum performance.
We have also reduced our watch periods during the night down to 3 hours as helming down-wind with rolling seas takes extra concentration. During the day we are down to watches of four hours
Panne, Panne: News from the mid-Atlantic Italian kitchen is that supples of extra virgin Tuscany olive oil are running dangerously low. The consensus from the crew is that we are prepared to wait for our next trip to Tuscany to get our tasty extra virgin. Henrik's ambitions to loose some weight during the trip seems futile in the face of the excellent Italian food on board. How can you resist a two course meal after a "Sundowner" on deck as the sun sets over this immense puddle of water they call the Atlantic.
This night at approximately five o'clock a.m. LST (Local Ship Time) we have reached half way after close to 8 days of sailing. Some of us (plan to) fly out on 12 December. If we can maintain the same average during the last 1380 nm, then there could be time for some rum punches before leaving the Caribbean.
The crew send their birthday wishes to Valero the skipper of the sister boat Milanto.Buon Compleanno