Life has fallen into the regular routines of life at sea aboard Aglaia. Highlights being is it an odd or even day as showers are only every other day for us and leading to discussions of is it better to shower in the morning or evening to replace talks of European Economic conditions and future power generation options. Yes life at sea reduces thing down to sleep, eat and washing.
Talking of eating, our chef continues to stun and amaze producing amazing fresh beautifully prepared dishes day after day even whilst the boat is surfing down waves at 12 knots.
Our German is taking over the black market aboard managing the trade of Pringles, chocolate and other goodies people have brought along and establishing new values for each item, although the chef has threatened to destroy his market position aboard by producing an extra chocolate cake or freshly baked cookies!
On the sailing front not having use of the mainsail does mean far less routing decisions have to be made and our double poled out headsails makes for a very safe and comfortable ride if not quite the ultimate performance we'd have hoped for. Only gremlin aboard is currently playing with the auto pilot and throwing up error messages that don't exist in the manual (yes a man did read the manual to try and solve the issues) so now waiting for B&G to email a fix fingers crossed. Everyone is getting good helping practice though which never hurts.
Finally we passed the halfway mileage mark so it is very much down hill all the way now and with the trade winds behind us finally we averaged 234 nm in 24 hours yesterday so hoping for a flying finish to the crossing.
What we get for our celebration dinner tonight the chef hasn't let on so will update you in the next blog.