Asylum - Day 14
This is our 14th day at sea and we are at the point in the journey where "are we there yet?" is a common thought. Much like driving home from a long road trip when about 60 miles away it seems like the car actually decelerates and the last miles feel like a crawl all the way home. We still have at least 250 miles to go, but feels like we should be there by now.
The days, since our last post 10 days ago, have been much the same routine. We have been able to make good headway until the last couple of days when the wind has been lighter, but the seas more comfortable. On Sunday the 30th, we rehoisted our parasailor after we had patched a rip from the previous day. That did not prove to be a good move on our part. She was flying well, but within an hour, the stress on the patches proved to be too much, and she ripped along the entire bottom of the sail and then some. We will attempt to have her repaired in St. Lucia.
Each morning at 11:00 UTC-1 time, a portion of the fleet report our positions to one another along with accomplishments (fish caught) or tales of woe (losing a sail). It is good comradery and nice to hear other voices than our own! We are doing well managing to keep our fatigue at bay and looking forward to rum punches in St. Lucia soon!
Brenda and Thane on s/v Asylum