Vagaris - Fabulous day
Today was the first day where everything settled down and was good. The wind was consistent, the swell was regular, the sky was blue, the clouds were small and puffy, the sun was hot the squalls stayed away.
We ate Spanish omelette with tomato and bruschetta bread for lunch and sweet potato, leek and feta pasta for supper.
We even dug out the fishing lines and tried trolling (unsuccessfully) for fish. I also found a fishing rod I'd bought ages ago and it actually seems quite good, so we've set it up and although have stopped at night, will continue with it in the morning.
We've sailed from early this morning on the parasailor, knocking off the miles on the correct course to our destination. The wind has been light at between 8 and 12 knots but we've been able to sail all day and have maintained an average of around 6 knots speed (as good as can be expected given the light wind).
It feels so good to be heading in exactly the right direction at last instead of pinching for gybe angles on white sails. I'm sure it won't last, but it's late evening now and we're still plugging along with the parasailor set dead downwind. It's blowing a steady 10 knots and we're doing around 5 knots.
I can see the distant clouds in the darkness and they're not threatening us yet, but we're all on high alert tonight in case we need to get everyone up to help drop it in a hurry.
So it continues... We should reach half way tomorrow, which is quite a big milestone.
Sy Vagaris