We've covered 175 miles in the last 24 hours, with
a good wind all day and night, alternating between goose-winged and reaching as
the wind changes.....so a bit of a zig-zag course. A bit more action on the fishing front too...lost 2 fish and
found the hooks to have deteriorated, so replaced them. Then caught a large
Dorado....maybe 8-10kg, which we let go as we would have been eating it for a
week! Anyway....it was Saturday curry night
and Amanda produced quite a spicy version of her Thai Green Curry. We baked a
grain and seed bread loaf for the morning too.
Our masthead tricolour bulb has blown (not
something you really want to replace at sea!), so went to turn on the main Nav
lights but only the stern light came on. It would seem that the jolt of the
spinnaker issue caused both filiments in the forward light bulbs to break.
Replaced both bulbs ( in the dark).
Today we remember the anniversary of Pearl Harbour
in 1941 and the launch of Apollo 17 on the last moon mission in 1972. It's also
the Eve of the Imaaculate Conception.... We ate Stollen, so the first Christmas
music was played....by Slade!
660 miles to