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Domini - Only 1000 miles to go

Ahoy again Boatbloggers,

Today is something of a landmark!

After thirteen days of sailing - unlucky for some, but not for us - here is our official noon boat position.

140,Domini,At Sea,1D,07/12/2014 12:00:06,15° 55.4' N,044° 15.7' W,974.56,5.9

The number to look at is the 974 figure. That is how many miles we have to go before we get to St Lucia. Yes my friends, it is under a thousand miles to go!

Surely a cause for celebration! Well, on the one hand yes, it's the "1000 miles to go," landmark. On the other, "Crikey, we've been going two weeks and we're still nowhere near!"

For just such an occasion as this, before we left Lyn prepared a nice celebration lunch  consisting of unbelievably expensive Iberico ham with gourmet cheese and other little titbits from Las Palmas, with chocolate brownies to follow. Unfortunately, we ate it all on day 3. So we're going to have a celebration lunch of corn beef sarnies instead.

We spent much of the morning trimming the sails, and in particular the mainsail trying to get all the telltales to fly properly. Try as we might we couldn't get the middle one to stream out. After way too long, we realized it had actually fallen off. Doh! And that was when we spotted it - flying off the end of one of the spreaders. How on earth it got there we have no idea, but it is probably a tribute to one of our many sail mishandling debacles. Anyway, the good news is that it is streaming out horizontally at all points of sail, so the spreader must be set perfectly.

We have been a bit disappointed with the amount of wildlife we have seen. We thought we would see dolphins, and porpoises, and maybe the odd shark fin. Even a whale or two! But apart from scores of flying fish we have seen nothing. If this was a whale watching holiday we'd want our money back. Lyn did see some Lion's Mane Jellyfish, but they turned out to be seaweed.

And one last bit of news; today we ran out of diet coke.

So that's the diet over then.

Keep on trackin'

Ju & Lyn


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