Vagaris - 10000 miles
No, we haven't taken a wrong turn, that's the number of miles we've sailed in Vagaris since new in March 2012.
Given the general similarity of daily activities onboard, this was enough to spark a mini celebration of canapés and for those who wanted it, a small glass of white wine (the bottle for which had previously been used for risotto).
The crew savoured the flavour and immediately began longing for more exotic alcohol when we arrive. Indeed, a couple of nights before, Kath had kept herself occupied during a night watch by writing down as many different types of alcohol she could think of, then their respective ingredients and then the drinks they were used to make. This was a big list, but was augmented by the rest of the crew with gusto later!
When calm, we've started an evening backgammon session by way of sundowner. This is part of Jax's and my normal daily indulgence when cruising - a sundowner, snacks and backgammon.
Today's canapés were cream cheese and smoked salmon pinwheels (a technical food term I'm assured)
The effects of the wine however were quickly realised by Steve as he dropped the dice into his wine glass to roll them instead of the shaker!
Sy Vagaris