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Morning Haze - Sailor Ted's adventure continue with the "HAZE" family.

Bonjour à tous,
La 17e journée à bord de Morning...OUPS...I guess I am almost bilingual now!...Let's go back to english...
Day 17 started great with the wind blowing around 20 kts but unfortunately faided away in the afternoon to a mere 15 kts...not quite enough for us...we slowed down to 5 kts of SOG. But the bright side of this is that Demi showed me how to make bread since we are running out of fresh produce. We mixed all the ingredients together (please read we made a total mess in the galley!) and shape the dough to make it into a delicious loaf of bread. I can tell you that there is nothing like the smell of hot bread in the galley...miam miam! In the evening, we watched an episode of "Modern Family" on the IPad and went to bed early (me and Rebecca) as we were both tired...Demi took night watch with David.
The next day (day 18), winds were light again and we progressed slowly toward St-Lucia...It finally picked up again just before the night and Morning Haze enjoyed a thrilling ride all night. We were sailing at a constant 8 kts and surfing above 11! But as you can imagine, there is a price to pay for that...and the price was a constant train of squalls which lasted all night. At least it's easy to stay awake when on watch under those conditions...but me I had difficulty sleeping as it was "bumpy". Rebecca stayed up with David until 0200... They chatted endlessly....well... Rebecca did anyway! ;-)
At midnight, Morning Haze has another 350 nautical miles to go before landing...Bets amongst the crew for our ETA are on...
Je vous souhaite une belle fin de journée et à demain!
Sailor Ted de retour sur le 16.

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