Well I've sailed the Atlantic. Not bad for someone who used to feel uncomfortable on a canal boat! A personal challenge achieved.
All those years ago when with Helen and Philip chatting in the evenings on various caravan sites across Europe the conversation would often include Philip's wish to own his own boat and sail across the Atlantic. Joe was always keen to share this ambition but I always thought I would join Helen and fly to meet them at the end of the voyage. However Philip became the owner of Eve and introduced me to ocean sailing. I don't think anyone can be more surprised than me to find that I actually enjoy it. Even the 2.5 days of sea sickness I sometimes have to endure does not turn me off ( but don't ask me if I enjoy sailing during those days!)
In no way can say I can participate in actually sailing the boat, my role is what is called the mother watch ie providing food for all and making sure general housekeeping is maintained below desks. I have to say that cooking in certain seas is a real challenge, the oven is gimballed so very often at a very different angle to me, depending on the tack we are on I either have to catch things as they fall out of cupboards on me or mutter under my breath as I fail to be able to reach into said cupboards. However I am pleased to say that for the 17 days we were at sea I did not double up on a single evening meal. Another objective achieved.
The big question - would I do it again? I think that the answer is yes - not immediately but I would consider it if asked.
I have to thank Philip for providing me with an adventure I never dreamed of experiencing. I have some wonderful memories of those days and nights miles away from anything.