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Anika - BLOG 6

Another starry night clear of squalls and many shooting stars putting on a wondrous display, but uncomfortable sea making it difficult to steer. By morning we are less than 200 nm to run so our attention is now turning to when we would like to arrive.

A morning shout of land ahoy at sunrise is always nice and perhaps extra special after 3 weeks at sea arriving into the Rodney Bay marina sometime the morning of 15th December which would be even nicer for VC and SE nee SC who arrive the previous evening, tired I am sure after their long journey but awake enough to cheer us in I hope.

The really good news so far today is – no Richard has not yet caught dinner, but I have finally got ANIKA’s engine to start after several days of trying to fix it! It looks very much like an electrical problem as the starter battery voltage readings keep showing significant drops. Hopefully a simple permanent fix when we arrive can be done

Pip’s brandy laden cake has through diligent portion control and locking the cake box yet again provided a tasty moist morsel to compliment our morning coffee and still some left.

We have been hoping for a swim in the Atlantic Ocean and still do, but the swell remains significant so we continue to live in hope.


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