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OOROO1 - End of the Epic Adventure - now lets explore the Caribbean

I’ve been in denial for two days, drowning my sorrow in Rum Punch. After 17 days at sea and the finish line in sight, I didn’t want it to end. We Parasailed to about 500m from the finish line then did a quick sail change and sailed the Main and Genoa over the line at 0643. Mike felt the stress of having to actually sail between two points. We’ve just completed the world’s largest transoceanic race (sorry I meant rally). St Lucia and the ARC met us at the wharf, helped us dock, presented us with a basket of fresh fruits and a bottle of St Lucia rum, then it was rum punches all round to the sounds of a Caribbean steel drum. Breakfast was champagne and a rum shot !!!! Since arriving we have been having a few quiet ones, catching up with fellow ARC participants and meeting the locals. St Lucia is living up to all expectations of the Caribbean with Bob Marley’s everywhere, lots of tropical beaches on the western side and lush lofty mountains surrounding us. Planning on a trip around the island tomorrow to check it all out, then sail out of here about Wednesday heading south to Tobago Cays.

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