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Morning Haze - Morning Haze...swim in the Bermuda Triangle?
Morning Haze - Morning Haze...swim in the Bermuda Triangle?
Hello everyone,
As you already know, we lost our boat refrigeration on the first day, Then just after 24 hours out of the BVI we suffered an autopilot failure forcing us to make a difficult choice: to turn back or to take this misfortune as a new challenge to overcome. We choose the latter and so far we steered Morning Haze some 500 miles after another misfortune hit us...
We thought we had seen it all but no....around noon today the wind died!!! What?!....We still have 165 miles to go and the wind dies? What do we do? We will enjoy it!!!
We spent the last hour playing in the water behind the boat. Jumping of the davits and off the stern into deep but amazingly crystal clear water. It can only be so clear and blue in the middle of the ocean. It was so clear that we could keep our eyes open while swimming around the boat (see picture of the girls below). It will take a bit more time but we will ,in the end, get to Bermuda...but we will get there enjoying every minute of it! Cheers!
Morning Haze standby on 16