Abigail - Beautiful sailing continues
Greetings from Abigail. As expected the wind went light and turned from East to East Southeast last night and this morning has gone to Southwest, although the wind speed has picked up a bit. Last night we managed to keep sailing in the light stuff with all our working sails (jib, main and mizzen) up. We have not often sailed without at least one reef in the main on this passage. Surprisingly we managed to make reasonably good progress until 0415 this morning when the wind dropped to 5 knots directly from astern. At that point we started the engine for the first time this trip and motored for about 5 hours. We took advantage of the situation by making around 50 gallons of water, and Bob and David took showers. Then the wind came up a bit and we decided to set the spinnaker, and while we were at it the mizzen staysail too. We now have all 5 sails up and are headed more or less toward the finish, which is about 55 miles away. We've had a wonderful trip, but are looking forward to landfall.