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Dala - Log Day 5 - Back to the Code Zero and... to the engine!
Dala - Log Day 5 - Back to the Code Zero and... to the engine!
Hi, all,
Everything is fine and smooth aboard DALA on this 5th day of the rallye (reminder: 4th day for us since we left one day late).
The sea was relatively calm today so I accepted our crew Richard's idea to try to completely reset the code zero sail (reminder 2: we took it down in the middle of a violent squall two days ago) by opening it flat on the lee side of the boat, put it back in order and hoist it again. We did it successfully and I was very happy because the wind strength and direction were perfect for this sail. We enjoyed it a few hours but around 4 PM local time, the wind became really too weak. So in spite of the fact that neither Joelle nor myself like the engines, we decided nevertheless to motorsail in order to have a chance to reach the Bermudas before the adverse northern wind forecasted for this Friday.
Beside that, we had today a fantastic lunch (thanks Joelle), later on delicious French crepes (thanks again Joelle and congratulations for your bravery: in addition you overcame the sea sickness and took your two watches today. Wow! I am so proud of my Lady!).
And to end with, one more good news: I caught today my first fish in this crossing. I was not able to identify it so we decided to send it back to the sea!
Good wind and happy sailing to all our friends in the rally and a ton of kisses for our friends and family reading these lines!
Albert, on DALA