At St George’s Bermuda
Our arrival at St George’s was delayed by a rising headwind into which we motored for most of the day, very uncomfortable. A result has been that our time here has been spent at anchor. Our Great Leader’s concern has been the inflatable sole (floor) of the dinghy to the extent that he spent Sunday watching it in case it deflated. It turned out later that deflation only occurred when someone stood on it. At least he had a days rest, which may well have been his object. The Bosun has been busy here putting our few defects to rights whilst testing his head against the less forgiving parts of the boat, including the blades of the wind generator. Ouch! On Saturday we had a pirate party for which Roger provided eye patches, scarves etc. True to form the Bosun arrived with blood flowing from his reopened wound. The Coxswain appeared more as a Breton onion seller with striped jumper and a glint in his eye. He was even seen attempting conversation in Italian. Roger wore make up and jewels and danced the rest of the crew into a state of exhaustion. At Saturday’s prize-giving we were rewarded with the prize for the best blog. Fittingly Our Great Leader took personal care of the prize, a bottle of rum, which he hopes will keep him warm as far as the Azores. The Bosun made the most of the free wine and amorously declared that he now thought of his wife as Roger….
Before departure on Wednesday we have to get in our provisions We have been promised a shore-side berth on Tuesday and have a little more sight seeing to do following our visit by bus and ferry to Hamilton and the Dockyard on Sunday. Meantime there will be much examination of weather reports and predictions in pursuit of the elusive Azores High which appears presently to be out of place.