Well, what a coincidence!
Wednesday 8th July
The neighbouring yacht in the Rally to us at Ronne, is called Tenace (Tenacious in English), which happens to be the name of James and my grandfathers Hoegar Dutch barge yacht, that he sailed on the East Coast between 1956 and 1962.The owner, Dirk Rens told us that he thought that his father had in fact sold Tenace to our grandfather, which we confirmed by getting some old photos sent over from the UK - see attachment. In my early youth (very early) I used to spend summer holidays sailing with them around Suffolk, but based at Ramsholt , on the River Deben. My grandfather sold her in 1962, and she was then run down by a freighter in the English Channel whilst on her way to Southern climes.
After being gale bound for a day in Bornholm, we set off in perfect conditions on Saturday morning allowing us excellent sailing in sunshine and flat seas. Towards the end of the day though as we approached the Swedish coast the wind dropped and we motored for 14 hours. The following morning we sailed at 7 knots in 10 knots of true wind using the reaching genicka which was a great success. Arrived Visby, Sweden, at 15.00 after 210 nautical miles.
The younger contingent did very well, having originally been drugged up on stugeron, they gradually came round and watched the odd video. They once again demolished the skippers shepards pie, led from the front of course, by their Dad!
Total miles to date 700nm.