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Exody - Days 188-191: Clouds, Camaraderie and Contrasts in the Coral Sea
Exody - Days 188-191: Clouds, Camaraderie and Contrasts in the Coral Sea
Grey clouds persist in the southern winter over the Coral Sea as Exody rolls along in 20- 30 knot winds averaging nearly 7 knots over the first four days of this 1150 mile Leg 7 from Port Vila in Vanuatu to Mackay two thirds up the Australian coast. At 5pm Monday 20th July we have 750 miles under our keel and have three days still to run. The sun has been nowhere to be seen on our track since Friday morning and the high has been 25 degrees. We heard of exceptional snow in Queensland this morning so are beginning to be concerned that we have enough woollies and blankets!
We bade farewell to our Scottish crew on the morning of Thursday 16th July and now we are just the two of us for the first time since leaving Gran Canaria. There was good wind and sunshine for the rally start at 10am with several colourful foresails soon launched. We kept company with several boats over the first two nights and days (Hugur, Starblazer, Ayama)before the fleet spread out over the weekend with Exody midfleet this morning, Monday 20th - 130 miles behind Juno and 120 miles ahead of Allegro.
As usual the camaraderie over the radio net is both supportive (weather/sail plans) and fun (boat songs/ corny jokes)- we also had much VHF traffic over the first couple of days with the leaders warning the followers on Saturday of the imminent and sudden increase of wind and waves. We were thus suitably reefed down just in time- the seas built very quickly and gave all of the fleet an uncomfortable 24 hours before the swell and wave direction settled to a more regular pattern. On Exody we took very many waves over the deck and one into the cockpit - very wet everywhere but at least the deck is clean with all eleven refurbished hatches/opening portlights proven watertight! We have settled into a new watch routine - four hours during the day and three at night and this is working for us so far. Last night we saw our first ship for months and a reminder that we are approaching much busier seas ahead!
We never cease to be amazed at the contrast in these boisterous conditions between outside in the horizontal rain and wave soaked cockpit with seas breaking all around and inside Exody's cosy cabin. Her seakindly hull assures us of a superbly gentle and surprisingly quiet ride in virtually all conditions and we are frequently taken aback when popping out for a look around! We usually keep watch on the threshold of the two environments - half in half out sitting on the bridge deck under the spray dodger. Whilst getting togged up for such a watch we heard another boat on the radio saying they were settling down to dinner and a film before the night watches. They were up ahead in conditions of earlier sunshine and a kinder sea state that we hope to reach tomorrow in their track.
Peter (Skipper)