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Magic - FIRST LOG ENTRY for MAGIC - Pontoon T

Well here we are on Pontoon T.   The anxiety surrounding our adventure seems to swell up every so often – collywobbles!  I am hoping that this is only natural.  We got one wave of nerves watching the rescue helicopter demo – and another when we watched the ARC+ Boats leave the harbor.  We are getting busy with all the preparations.  It is odd that we are surrounded by hundreds of people all doing the same thing – so of course the conversations are identical – where have you been, what Pontoon are you on, where are you going when you get to ‘the other side’ and endless conversations about fixing things and preparing the boat.  “Are you ready?” should be a banned question!!  We are enjoying Las Palmas and have been surprised at how good it is.  We will still be blogging at until we leave and then we will use the ARC blog
S/Y Magic
MMSi  235108368

[email protected]

[email protected]

"A ship is safe in harbor – but that’s not what ships are built for… “

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