You would not think that you could have a shortage of salt on a yacht in the Atlantic but we have none. The boat is covered in salt crystals like a fairy castle but they contain stainless steel polish or fibreglass wax and other boat cleaning materials. We address the problem by adding large quantities of Bovril, Lea and Perrins, chile powder and mustard to everything. Today we will evaporate some sea water to get some real salt.
We are eating very well, last night was Chinese Chicken with egg fried rice and the night before Irish stew in the pressure cooker, washed down with responsible!!! quantities of red wine.
As of yesterday we were second in class but we do have problems. Firstly there is my social experiment of seeing if one can cross the Atlantic with a crew whose collective IQ is in single figures . I selected them by giving them those red plastic Pillar Boxes for children where there are different shaped apertures and you have to push the right shape through the right hole. None of my crew managed to get a single shape inside the Pillar Box.
Jack with brute strength managed to rip apart the rear toilet handle assembly last night, what on earth was he trying to flush away. His head is currently in the bowl with a tube of adhesive trying to fix it, otherwise I am going to have low life trailing through my cabin to sully my bog.
The other issue is the AUTOPILOT that at any time, night or day decides it wants a break, turns itself off and suddenly the clouds whizz past the window ,the boat rounds up and all hell breaks loose with the sails crashing around . Everybody flys up on deck to get us back on course.
Otherwise everything is chipper. Saw a whale yesterday and lots of flying fish. Nick said he saw the most amazing shooting star last night that ended in a ball of light but knowing Nick I think he put his head torch on the wrong way round and then turned it on at full strength.
The good Ship RAYLAH and its ,seriously, superb crew